This i̶s̶ was 28: A Year in Reflection
July 25th celebrated the 29th trip I am taking around the sun. I am a little sad to be leaving 28 (my alltime lucky number) behind, but not so much because of the age. The older I get the less upset or anxious I feel about getting older.
It’s kind of funny-- I was more upset turning 23 than I am turning 29. I suppose that’s one thing I can attribute already to getting older-- gaining perspective. I’m learning its not so much the number to fear, but the realization that a year as passed in a blink of an eye and not enjoyed to the fullest.
By that I don’t mean going sky-diving, or getting married and having a huge wedding, or getting a promotion that earns you the big bucks.
I mean the Tuesday and Wednesday nights you went for a walk with a friends and lost yourselves in conversation that you lost track of time. I mean the Sunday afternoon you curled up on a sunny sofa with a book. I mean those cold wintery days you froze your way out the door with your dog only to end up in peels of laughter to watch him frolic in the snow.
This year, I found myself able to enjoy more of those little things, all the little moments that add up to make a big impact on how you feel looking back.
Of course, I had some larger, more memorable hilights this year as well. From taking part in my first experience as a bridesmaid, to living it up in Vegas, to adopting a new fur baby, I’ve got a lot to reminisce about 28.
As I do each year, I’ve taken some time to reflect on what this year has given me, how I may have grown, or struggled, connections lost or gained, and in turn, what I foresee year 29 will have in store for me.
I apporached this task in a very scientific way— consulting my bullet journal that I started using in september of 2021, as well as going through all my pictures on Google Photos, month by month from last July until now.
Enjoy this little journey into my year, and into my life. I am forever grateful for this space to share little pieces of me with you who stumble upon it.
Starting my 28th year with a weekend long birthday celebration with all of my favourite people.
2. Becoming a city cyclist.
I used to walk absolutely everywhere. But when I moved from the east end of the city to the core, and my work and pole studio was still east of Riverdale park, I decided to whip out the mountain bike my dad got me when I was 16 years old. I call it the Shetland pony, because she’s small but sturdy, and gets me where I need to go, and even over street car tracks. I actually biked myself to work for most of the school year, to pole class, to friend’s places, and even to the club on occasion. And Rajah even joins me for rides through the city in his little cat backpack.
3. Becoming a cat mama.
I adopted Rajah rather spontaneously, when a friend sent me an instagram post from her vet who had a litter of kittens from a rescued stray who needed homes. I had been saying that if a cat ever “happened to come into my life”, I would take it, so that’s exactly what I did. I brought Rajah home at 8 weeks home and he quickly stole my heart. I like to call him my dog cat, with his overly social and playful personality. He pretty much goes wherever i go these days, including a trip to Nova Scotia.
4. Settling into condo life
While I moved into my condo just before I turned 28, in this year of living here we have really been able to fall into a rhythm living in the heart of the city, and mke our place our own. NOt only in terms of finding furniture and decor to make it feel like home but making friends with our neighbours in the building and in our neighbourhood. Most of the credit on that goes to my amazing roommate for befriending all the dog owners at the harbourfront dog park last summer.
4. nailing my first cocoon in pole class
This year I had some real break throughs in my training. I can accredit those to my fabulous coaches, pole friends, and of course, more consistent time in the studio with covid restrictions easing up a bit.
5. Becoming a Pole Instructor.
Redefine Fit, the studio where I train, asked me teach classes and parties this year. I enjoy teaching Pole more than any other form of movement I have taught. More than yoga or pilates or any other kind of fitness class. Its lovely to teach something I am truly passionate about, and to students in all kinds of bodies and walks of life who show up to class so eager and excited to take some risks and have fun learning new ways to move.
Trips and Travel
BC trip August 2021:
Nanaimo and Vancouver island, Whistler and Squamish. I did lots of hiking, both with friends and on my own during the solo portion of my trip, staying at a hostel in Whistler. This was my first time doing the solo travel thing, even if it was just for a short time, but it taught me a lot about myself., from what I am capable of to how much I actually enjoy my independence.
2.Niagara weekend get away (Also August 2021)
On the last week of summer holidays, my fellow teacher friend and I booked a spontaneous girls’ trip to wine country to make the most of our time before being back in the classroom. We biked between the wineries, giving us a healthy appetite to indulge in some good wine and winery meals.
3. Haliburton cottage getaway (summer and winter 2022)
Staying at a beautiful cottage with family and friends-- in the process of having our family build our own lakeside abode!
4.Whistler (again) for my cousin’s wedding at the Nita Lake Lodge
-watching my cousin marry her soul mate in the rockies and dancing the night away with a handsome groomsman
5. Vegas Baby!
In June 2022, I said Yes once again to a spontaneous girls’ trip, this time to Sin City. I wrote a whole post on my whirlwind Vegas trip here. In a nutshell, 11/10 would go again.
Favourite Small Moments
-getting pushed into a shuffling circle at EI and actually managing to do it (a nod of thank you to the random evenings spent practicing with youtube videos in our condo with our neighbours)
-exploring new neighbourhoods of Toronto, and discovering gems like On Third Thought with the BEST espresso martini gelato, and vegan mexican food at Planta Cocina
-learning a new aerial art with loli at Redefine Fit
-living the vip cabana bottle service life in las vegas
-spending many nights at “regular” bars in toronto feeling like a dang celebrity
--poleing in the wild at Rebel for a bachelorette
--solo hiking the Blackcomb Ascent trail in Whistler (in under 2 hours!)
spending another beautiful christmas with my senior pup, Jaeda
-turnng Rajah into an adventure cat, accompanying me to parks and patios around the city in his lil backpack
-meeting the best boy while looking like a drowned rat after a flash rainstorm at electric island
-booking a very spontaneous east coast road trip with the same boy on our third date
28 was good to me. And I can already tell life at 29 is just going to keep getting better. With every year that passes I continue to realize just how true the saying is that we are here for a good time, not a long time. As I continue to push past some of my comfort zones and remember the commitments I have made to myself to never sacrifice opportunities for joy and social connection from a place of restriction, my life continues to open up with such vibrance and beautiful surprises that I am astounded at just how much I missed out on when I was operating from a place of fear and scarcity.
SO here’s to another year of late night tacos, spontaneous girls trips, jumping headfirst into open water, and laughing til it hurts.